
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's a...


We went to the doc for our NT Scan today and everything looked great. Fluid at the back of the neck measured at 1.45mm, which is perfect. Baby was measuring 1 day ahead and was flipping around, kicking, arching back, waving, etc. It's so fascinating to see!

We let the tech know that we would love to find out the sex, if she could tell. Well, this baby was being incredibly modest (completely unlike Liam) and kept crossing its legs. We got little peeks for a split second, then the legs would cross again. Our tech was very patient and tried for about 15 minutes to get a good look, but baby just wasn't having it. Rob thought he saw something between the legs (his guess was boy) & while I saw what he saw, to me, it looked like the early stages of a developing girl. It didn't look like what Liam looked like at this stage.

After several of those short glimpses, she said, "Well, I have a guess. I think it's a girl." She made us promise not to hold her to that & when we asked how sure she was, she said, "About 75%." While there's no way to be sure yet, I feel like she's right. This pregnancy has been really different than my pregnancy with Liam (which I know doesn't necessarily mean anything) and my symptoms have followed all of the old wives tales for girls (also doesn't prove anything)... I could very well be wrong, but I really do believe it's a girl. Five weeks until we (hopefully) find out for sure.

Some pics from today:


Stretching-- back arched

Scary Face (right)

Everything else looked good! My weight was down 2lbs and blood pressure was a little high, but I believe it was just nerves from having an ultrasound. We'll have our next appointment around 18 weeks and have our anatomy scan done where (fingers crossed) we'll find out for sure if Liam will have a baby sister!


  1. so exciting! congratulations :-)

  2. Congrats! These are great shots, too!

  3. Yaaay! Our personal experience was we were told 95% sure girl at my NT scan (which was done by a perinatolgist) at just shy of 13wks and then found out Boy at 16!

  4. how cool! my friend who got pregnant when her son was 4 months old is having a girl. [your stories remind me of each others' a bit]. congrats either way!!

  5. They can definitely be wrong- We're not buying girl clothes just yet! They were more confident with Liam- 95% sure he was a boy. It was pretty obvious. I've heard that there's a higher rate of error when you are told "girl." Sometimes those "girls" turn out to be boys, but it's rare that a boy is incorrectly identified as a girl.

    I have a feeling that it really is a girl... But there's a 50% chance that feeling is wrong. :)

  6. I think it's a girl and my feelings are OBVIOUSLY more trustworthy than yours :)

  7. A little girl- how wonderful! I know how you feel- we were told 80% boy at 16 weeks. Either way, what a blessing!

  8. oh wow, look at how much the baby has grown! hooray for a little sister for Liam!
