This space has been quiet for a month.
We're transitioning.
I'm not quite ready to post pics of the new house yet-- it's a work in progress.
Rob & I are doing just fine-- co-parenting peacefully & even working on our friendship.
The boys are struggling with the change (L in particular) but we're doing the best we can.
I'm staying very busy.
Single mama-hood is no joke, dude.
But I know we're going to hit our stride soon-- we have to.
So here we are, seven weeks away from Liam turning THREE.
(I know, I can't believe it either.)
Time to get going on birthday party planning-- I'm behind!
This year's theme:
Super excited to do another classic book theme-- We had such a great time with The Very Hungry Caterpillar last year.
So, as I've been poking around Pinterest deciding on decorations, I saw
these cookies and I knew I had to try them. (Her entire party is stunning-- it's definitely the main inspiration for my party!) I'm no expert on decorating with royal icing, and I've never worked with fondant before, so I thought that it would be best to give these cookies a try long before the actual party. This weekend, I was in serious need of some craft time, so I decided to give them a shot.

I'm so happy with them!
They're not perfect, but they're monsters-- they don't have to be. I used store-bought sugar cookies for my test to save time-- for the party, I'll make my own & make them slightly larger so that the features aren't so crowded. Also, I'll start early-- the royal icing base needs a day to dry, the fondant features need a day to dry, and the fur needs a day to dry. I was rushing through these in less than 24 hours because I knew if I didn't finish them before Liam came home from Rob's, they weren't going to get done.
While this year's party needs to be scaled back from last year (single mama budget), I have lots of plans for personalized touches that I can do myself, without breaking the bank. I'm also looking forward to having the party at home-- it will be nice to set things up the night before, so that I'm not in a rush the morning of the party.
Can't wait to celebrate my Wild Thing!