Friday, January 8, 2010

One Doodle That Can't Be Un-did

Every morning, I enter my temps, then at night I enter my Cervical Mucus & Cervical Position. Last night, I had some watery CM & when I entered it into FF, I got a message telling me that it moved my O day from CD28 back to CD24which meant I wasn't 13dpo today-- I was 17dpo.

I had every intention of waiting until Sunday to test, but when my O day changed, I realized that I was already past my usual LP. I debated what to do this morning-- should I wait until Sunday? Was I testing too early? What if my original ovulation date was right? I decided to go ahead—figured it would be negative and I’d get on with my day.

It's so surreal, but I was wrong & I'm in total shock.

I started shaking, then crying. I really wanted to tell Rob in some creative way, but all I could do was run into the bedroom, tell him to wake up, then shove the test in his face. He was totally confused. Had to explain it to him. I think he’s in shock. He had a huge grin on his face and asked me to come cuddle in bed with him for a while. I ended up being soooo late for work today (where I was totally useless anyway).

I already had an appointment scheduled with my RE on Monday (to pick up my Clomid and check my TSH levels), so I’ll get my 1st Beta bloodwork done then. (I called to try to get it done this morning, but the office was closed b/c of the weather.)

We're cautiously very excited. My mom and I had planned a trip together the first weekend in February, so I will tell her then. It's really important to me to get to tell her in person-- this will be my parents' first grandchild. If all goes well, by then I'll be almost 9 weeks and will feel better about telling people. I'm trying to keep it kind of quiet until then, even though I want to tell everyone I know! (So if you know me in real life, please don't tell anyone yet! I would obviously be devestated if my parents heard it from someone other than me.)

Rob made a few calls to his dad and sisters today & we found out that my sister-in-law Barbara is pregnant, too!! I can't believe this-- it looks like our due dates are only about 10 days apart. I'm ecstatic-- thrilled for her and so pleased that I'll have someone to go through this with.

There are so many things that I'm feeling today. I know my life has just changed forever. I am so relieved that all of the next steps we had talked about taking in regards to our fertility can be forgotten about (for now, at least). I feel slightly scared at what's to come. I feel so giddy that this day happened for us.

But most of all, I feel so lucky that I have had the support of the greatest group of women who are scattered all over the world, but draw together to support each other's journey through IF. I only hope that I can continue to be as supportive of these women in the coming months as they have been supportive of me. I know how lucky I am that this happened so "easily" for us & and I know how unfair and long this process has been for so many wonderful women who deserve their day. Obviously, the focus of this blog will shift in the coming weeks, but please know that I'll be just as involved in where you are now as I was before.

I don't know what to expect of the future, but I know I'll have amazing ladies by my side no matter what happens-- good or bad.


  1. I am unspeakably happy for you. I have tears in my eyes.
    Is the due date closer to 'our' birthday now that there's a new O date? I love Sept 20 and would be happy to share it with another person! I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind either.

  2. According FF, my due date will be September 14. I would be in heaven if my doc moves it to Sept 20th!!

  3. Well Stef, babies often run overdue. The chances of at least sharing your 'birthweek' are pretty high. What impeccable timing!

  4. OMG! Congratulations, Stefanie!! Good luck on your wonderful path to motherhood!

  5. Yay! Congrats! And good job FF for surprising you like that and you never really had to "wait" out the rest of your 2ww

  6. OMG! I didn't finish reading the post because I wanted to congratulate you! I'm so excited for you! OMG! haha - I'm sitting here with a silly grin on my face for you! I can't wait to read more updates! CONGRATS!!!

  7. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! STEF!!! I had a feeling when I saw those temps!

    I am SO THRILLED FOR YOU! Buying that stroller was lucky after all!

    Can you send your mailing address to my personal account? If you don't have the e-mail address anymore I'll send it to the babyblakley account.

  8. Oh and ps-- you got your BFP on cycle 7, too! I knew that was a lucky month :)

  9. STEF!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really hung in there this month and it PAID OFF!!!! Congratulations!

  10. OMG!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you!!! That's such great news. And you thought you missed your O date. :) Hehe!

  11. AMAZING!!! A warm, heart-filled congratulations to you my friend! That photo is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen :) Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations! So awesome!!!


  14. Congratulations! My DD is in the same week as yours. Praying we are both holding our healthy babies come September 2010 (nice ring to it, hey?).

  15. Hi Stef, Congratulations on your BFP, I am very happy for you! it is always great to see "success stories"!

  16. STEF!! AWESOME!! I am so happy for you! This is so amazing, congrats!!! Yea for Sept 2010 babies!

  17. I'll be honest, I don't know the lingo, but I DO know what two lines means. Congratulations!!!
