We had our newborn photo shoot this morning with Stephanie Fisher and she's already posted a little sneak peek of our session.
Oh, the cuteness. I'm dying...
Breastfeeding, although difficult, is getting better. My milk came in on Friday and by yesterday I was so engorged that Liam couldn't latch on and I was in tears from the pain. Thank God for hot showers, breastpumps, bottles & his Marmi (my mom) to feed him. (I really didn't want to introduce a bottle this early, but desperate times call for desperate measures and pumping breastmilk certainly doesn't make me a traitor to breastfeeding! I've learned to soften my breasts by pumping before he eats, so he has not needed any bottles today.)
Overall, he's really content-- especially during the day. He hates having his diaper changed and hates getting dressed, but he loves being held and his swing.
The crib:
Crib bumper pads:
We're squeezing in as much fun stuff as we can this week-- football and chinese food with friends, trivia night, dinners with my parents, the Signature Chef's Fundraiser for the March of Dimes, etc. Every time we plan something, we know that we may not actually be able to make it there, but it's no fun sitting at home, waiting on a baby that is taking his time to show up. So, we'll keep making plans, until a certain someone interrupts us.
Rob is on paternity leave from work, and it's been great to have some time to let him decompress and relax (both alone and with me) before life gets really crazy. He's been staying up late and sleeping late and this new non-work schedule may actually be a good for us for the first few weeks-- Sure, I'll still have to wake up to feed Liam, but if he can take care of him in between feedings to let me get a few hours of sleep in a row at night, then I can handle the mornings by myself while he sleeps. We'll see how things go.
I feel really good, especially now that I know I'm in the home stretch. I've been pregnant for 40 weeks, but every day leading up to 41 weeks feels like an eternity! I can feel my body getting ready-- my back aches, the pelvic pressure is really uncomfortable and I'm waddling pretty slow-- but still, I'm really enjoying these last few days, taking advantage of how much everyone loves a pregnant lady-- People smile at me when I walk by and go out of their way to talk to me and help me out. Might as well enjoy it while I can!
So, we're in the final countdown, knowing that it won't be more than seven days, but always thinking, "Will today be THE day?" We'll let you know when there's any news!
We had our 40 week appointment today. My due date is tomorrow!! Here are the stats from Baby Watch 2010: Week 40:
Weight: Same as last week. (2 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight)
BP: Normal
Cervix: Still 1 cm dialated & now 75% effaced. Cervix is soft (ripened)
Baby's Position: Finally confirmed that baby is head down. WAHOO!
Overall Progress: Still looking fine. The doctor said (again) that she can tell that my cervix has been contracting by the way it feels. Slowly but surely making progress. Baby steps...
So, the big news is that we've scheduled our induction for next Tuesday, September 21st, when I'm exactly 41 weeks-- this gives us the most time to allow him to come on his own, which is certainly possible in the next week. Until then, we continue to wait...
Baking Baby Blakely
Week 39 Belly Pic
Liam, honey, why don't you pick your own birthday? Mommy and Daddy don't want to have to pick it for you. Any day can be your special day-- you choose!