Luke is my mother's friend's son's baby boy. He's also getting three monogrammed burp cloths and a pair of reversible baby shoes.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sewing Sunday
Luke is my mother's friend's son's baby boy. He's also getting three monogrammed burp cloths and a pair of reversible baby shoes.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So Long, Sophie...
Let me stop and say that Rob and I are both animal lovers-- I think we get it from our parents. My dad has never met a dog he didn't love and Rob's mom used to feed every cat she saw. It's in our blood. After driving up to NC to watch the World Series two years ago, we stopped and picked up a dog on the side of the road and, luckily, got him to a shelter. We have a system now: We pull over, run away from the highway to get the dog away from the road, then Rob takes off his belt and we use it as a leash. Works like a charm.
So, we got pretty attached to her fairly quickly. We couldn't just call her "Dog" so we started calling her Sophie. It just fit. We had every intention of either trying to find her family (dead end-- she wasn't microchipped) or giving her to a new family, we just weren't in any rush. We got her groomed, put her on flea meds and she became part of the family. She was smart-- she knew how to sit and shake and she was already housetrained. She was a great cuddler.
But, as time went by, we started feeling like our house was a little too small for the two of us, the three dogs, and (hopefully) a baby. We knew we had to find another home for her.
We put her up on some time ago and went on with our lives. Then, a few days ago we got a phone call from the shelter, saying that someone from MS was interested in her and that they wanted to come to town today to see her. At first, I was thrilled that we had found a potential new owner for her. Then I started feeling sad that she might be leaving us.
This morning, I got up and drove her to the shelter. I talked to her the whole way there, trying to explain to her what was happening, as if she would understand. Rob even stopped by after his breakfast meeting for a final goodbye. I feel so guilty when I think about how confused she'll be that we've taken care of her for all of these months, then dropped her off with strangers and never came back.
I know it's for the best-- she's going to have kids to play with and a big yard to run around in, but as our family shrinks from five to four, I'll miss a little of the chaos. Tonight, the house will seem a little too quiet.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My New BFPBs!

Just wanted to give a shout out to my new BFPBs (Big Fat Positive Buddies) who may swing by from The Bump!
A BFPB is a friend who is also trying to get pregnant and supports you along your journey. We are all different ages and come from all over the country and Canada, but we have one thing in common: We all want to get pregnant. We have great families, friends and husbands, but it's comforting to be in the company of women who have empathy for all of the things you're feeling...frustration, anticipation, excitement, joy.
Much love to Amanda, Jen and Mitzi! Good luck!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
This year, we were able to spend our day together. Rob was out of town at Vanderbilt this weekend, so my mom suggested that we meet in Atlanta for some shopping and relaxing. We had a blast! We got there Friday afternoon and were able to stay until mid-afternoon today. We stayed at the Marriott that's connected to Lenox, so we were able to walk right into the shopping-- we hardly noticed that it poured rain all weekend. Nine West, Banana Republic, Victoria's Secret, Tiffany's, Marc Jacobs, and Macy's got our money, but we had a great time looking in some of the high end stores. I even tried on a $79,000 sapphire ring! It's fun to dream.
I came home with quite a stash (thanks mom!), but here was my favorite thing:
What girl can resist the little blue box? So, this doesn't hold the $79,000 sapphire, but it does hold something pretty darn cute:
I've been ogling this in the catalog for a year or so-- it's part of their new charm collection.I wanted to start a bracelet and now I have my first charm! I've picked out a few more charms to add to my list for Christmas and future birthdays, all Tiffany's themed.
When I returned home, Rob had quite a few treats for me as well! He went in with my parents to get me the new Dell Netbook I've been wanting:
He also ordered me an amazing bracelet that he had artist Kathryn Riechert custom create for me. My picture doesn't do it justice, but it's a beautiful sterling silver cuff bracelet with the quote, "I love you more than I could ever promise," engraved on it. This is a line from the song that we danced to at our wedding: "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson who we are going to see (again!) this Thursday night.
The house looked beautiful when I got home (Rob did a fabulous job cleaning) and my presents were all wrapped with a card and balloons tied to them when I got home from Atlanta:
I had a wonderful birthday-- couldn't have been a better day!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Plan, Take Two
I'm a little iffy about pumping my body full of fake progesterone. I trust my doctor, but this will be the first time in 17 years that I've needed medication to start my period. Stress much?!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Dear Body,
I hate that your lazy ovaries are sleeping on the job...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Come ON!
Cycle 1: 33 days
Cycle 2: 40 days
Cycle 3: 34 days
Cycle 4: 31 days
Cycle 5: 36 days and counting
Out of desperation (and pathetic hope) I took a pregnancy test yesterday which was a complete waste of time and money as my chart has made it pretty clear that I didn't even ovulate this cycle. (Last time I checked, it was impossible to get pregnant without ovulating.) Big. Fat. Negative. Surprise, surprise.
After establishing "The Plan" and having something to look forward to, the wait is excruciating... and since I have my appointment to go over everything on Oct 12th, I'm running out of time to get my bloodwork done. I have to get my period, then wait 21 days to have the bloodwork done, then give the lab time to return the results to my doctor-- all in less than a month. AND I DO NOT WANT TO POSTPONE THAT APPOINTMENT! I'm stressed about it which is probably delaying my period, which makes me more stressed, which delays....
Rob and I were talking last night as we tried to fall asleep. He's getting frustrated. As much as I don't want him to feel that way, it was really nice to hear. It's a little isolating to feel like you're the only one to worry. Rob is such a laid back guy that he rarely stresses about things, and he always has the attitude that everything will work out. While he's still sure that everything will be fine, he admitted that this has taken longer than he thought it would and that he's ready for it to happen. We spent some time with our two nieces last weekend (ages 16 and 6 months) and it made both of us long for a baby of our own.
But for now, we wait. Wait for my period to come, wait for the bloodwork to be done, wait for the appointment with the doctor, wait for additional tests to be ordered...wait for a miracle. We wait for our baby.
P.S. No more Zoloft. No more side effect.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I hate Zoloft.
Cycle Day #33...come on, body! You know I'm not pregnant, so why do you tease me? Perhaps it's so I can continue looking at this effing ugly chart every day:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Down Low
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Plan

We have a plan.
While I had the nurse on the phone, I was able to ask some questions about where we are... I told her that I was coming up on six months of trying to conceive and that we haven't had any luck yet. I've been using the Ovulite since March to attempt to pinpoint when I'm ovulating. In the middle of my 4th cycle I started charting my temps, but I haven't seen a clear thermal shift that indicates I'm ovulating. Then, for my 5th cycle I started using the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor. So far, I've had 18 days straight of "High" readings with no "Peak." The monitor is still "learning" me, so that alone doesn't worry me... But the combo of 5 cycles (I'm quite certain we'll move on to cycle six next week) with no luck, no clear BBT shifts AND no peak days? I'm a worrier. It's hard not to be concerned.
The nurse was extremely friendly and suggested that if we don't get pregnant this month, I come in on CD21-23 next cycle to have some bloodwork done. They'll test my progesterone levels and this will determine whether or not I ovulated. In addition, she told me to keep charting and keep doing the fertility monitor and saliva tests. She set me up for an appointment on October 12th. On that day, we can look over the charts, talk about the bloodwork and make a plan.
I feel great about this.
I understand that it can take healthy couples up to a year to conceive and that I know we haven't been trying that long... it's just that I have a nagging suspicion that something isn't quite right...and I don't want to wait another six months to find that out. I've felt kind of helpless the past 5 months. I started charting and using all of the ovulation tests so that I would feel proactive, but when the results haven't been clear, it's made me feel a little lost... like I don't know & can't trust my body. And if I don't know if/when I'm ovulating, we're really at a loss as far as timing each month.
I'm thrilled that my OB/GYN wants to see me--by the time my appointment rolls around, we will have been off of birth control exactly seven months. I feel like making this appointment is taking control and moving forward-- hopefully, that big fat negative will be a little easier to take this time around, knowing that, in six weeks, I'll (hopefully) have a clearer picture of where we are. In fact, I hope my period arrives soon so that I can go ahead and schedule the bloodwork! I'm optimistic that all tests will come back normal, but if they don't, at least we won't just be sitting around waiting.
We have a plan!